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GT New Horizons

Large Modpack with every recipe Gregified

6 reviews
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Logo of GT New Horizons modpack for Minecraft

GT New Horizons

Large Modpack with every recipe Gregified

6 reviews
Very good0%




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GT New Horizons Reviews

Avatar for DMSEJIN
January 29, 2024
Performance and Stability

GTNH has an amazing early game!

I have played GTNH for a few months now, and am in very late MV. This pack can be grindy, but is very rewardable in terms of satisfaction. The progression is very good, and the quest book is helpful if needed. I find that JEI surfing is hypnotizing, but that may be just be me. One unfortunate part is that the magic mods are not required until late endgame, such as getting the infinity armor. The late endgame is still being worked on, so we shall see how it turns out. Kharax82 is an amazing GTNH youtuber working towards the stargate currently in UXV+. Watching him or listening to him while you play is useful, as his early powergen strategy is exactly what I am doing.

Total PlaytimeSubstantial (up to 100 hours)
MC Version(s):1.7
Mod/Modpack Versions:Latest (2.5.1)
Avatar for StoneWolf
January 22, 2024
Performance and Stability

The forever pack

I don’t think it is an exaggeration to say that this modpack has had the most work put into it out of any modpack and it shows. The questbook is extensive and very helpful and there are a ton of custom recipes carefully chosen which provide a cohesive experience unrivalled by other modpacks. The amount of content is insane which means you will be able to play this modpack for literal years without running out of content, even if you primarily focus on progressing. This means if you are the kind of person who feels you have to complete a modpack, this is probably not for you. If you on the other hand learn to focus on the journey rather than the destination, find yourself with entertainment for years from this modpack.

Despite being for 1.7.10 it still recieves plenty of updates which expands new content and significantly improves performance. The amount of work put into it is insane. For example have GTNH been able to work with new java versions which has significantly smoothed out lag spikes I had before. There is even talk of backporting sodium to GTNH which if done could improve performance significantly and be only another testament as to dedication of the developers.

The only negative I have is that I personally find the aesthetics to be a bit limiting. While shaders work well on GTNH and you can make beautiful builds in it, I do find the block pallette to be a bit limiting in comparison to modern minecraft. With the addition of in GTNH 2.4 hempcrete and svavelstone, there are plenty of excellent building blocks to build in modern and futuristic styles, but if you like me would like to build in a more fantasy, medieval or industrial style, there aren’t that many good blocks to choose from. To give a sense of what you can make I have included a couple of screenshots from my world.

Total PlaytimeVery, very long (1000+ hours)
MC Version(s):1.7
Mod/Modpack Versions:2.4.1
Avatar for ruinstoke
January 12, 2024
Performance and Stability

Good fun but a rough start

Great fun with meaningful progression but a slow and arduous start that becomes very rewarding once you reach ae2. Really makes you think and innovate creating satisfying automation. Would recommend a friend or two to make it more bareable at the beginning.

MC Version(s):1.7
Mod/Modpack Versions:4.5.1
Avatar for Dreadon
December 10, 2023
Performance and Stability

Not for everyone

Greg tech new horizons is possibly one of the hardest gaming challenges you could ever participate in. It’s possible to count the number of people who’s beaten it on your hands, as it’s a several thousand hour grind as you deal with an ever growing and tangled factory.

However, it’s the very grind that drags this down. GTNH can often go at a glacial pace, and while it is usually ignored by doing things like working on magic, base building, expanding production of certain materials, often times it seems as if it’s testing your patience rather then skill. If you’re in for the long haul, you’ll love GTNH and it’s endgame. If you’re not, play Nomifactory or Super syemetry, they are far shorter and less grindy packs with still a great deal of complexity to challenge you.

MC Version(s):1.7
Mod/Modpack Versions:1.7.10
Avatar for georgefred
December 9, 2023
Performance and Stability

9-5 job sim

as entertaining as a 9-5 job but unlike one you dont get paid for doing it

MC Version(s):1.7
Mod/Modpack Versions:2.4.0
Avatar for chadtheturtle
December 9, 2023
Performance and Stability

A well balanced and performant modpack.

In this pack you go through different ages of technology as the main progression. This is balanced against the game’s stated difficulty and is more difficult than most expert packs out there. While the vast amount of mods may make it seem like just another poorly-made kitchen sink park, all of the mods have been changed to fit perfectly within the main progression. Even if you have played all of the mods individuals the pack provides a new experience that is aided by the amazing quest book that will teach even the newest of players how to play the game. It’s hard to find any pack that is even close to GT:NH in terms of quality and it is still receiving large content updates and performance improvements that don’t come from adding new mods, they instead come from a team of volunteers that are actively coding new parts of the game. This is what a mod pack was meant to be, not just some random machines strewn about and many more you’ll never use, instead you are forced to make a large factory and actually fix bottlenecks. The only downsides I’ve found in the pack are the mobs, as they use Infernal Mobs that can easily kill a new player but provide absolutely no danger once the player has access to a crossbow. Can’t recommend enough.

MC Version(s):1.7
Mod/Modpack Versions:1.7.10

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