Modded Minecraft Reviews FAQ

What are the review guidelines? What am I not allowed to say?

Our review guidelines are designed to maintain a respectful and informative environment on our website. When submitting a review, please follow these guidelines. Reviews that violate these guidelines will be removed.

  1. Be Authentic, Be Kind
    Reviews sh‎‎‎ould be ho‏‏‎nest and respectful. Constructive criticism is welcome, but disrespectful or offensive language is not allowed.
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  2. No Hate Speech or Fraud
    Avoid hate speech, personal attacks, and fraudulent information. We strive to create a friendly and safe space for all users.
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  3. Review Content, Not Context
    Do not base reviews or ratings on the Minecraft version, hardware, or mod loader the mod or modpack is designed for. Reviews that contain porting requests or lowering ratings based on such factors are not acceptable and will be removed.
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  4. Focus on Quality and Content
    Reviews and ratings must focus on the mod or modpack’s quality and content. Refrain from discussing the personal lives of developers or their decisions unrelated to the project. This also includes reviews that are solely a “copypasta” that do not actually review the project’s quality or content. Irrelevant reviews will be removed.
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  5. In-game Screenshots Only
    If you are uploading images as part of your review, they must be in-game screenshots of the mod or modpack.
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  6. Developers reviewing their own projects must be transparent
    You may review projects you have developed for, however, you must be clearly transparent about your relationship to the content. Failure to do so will lead to your review being flagged or removed.
    If you’d like your review of a project you developed for to be verified, please reach out to us on Discord. Verified reviews have a “✔ Project Developer” label.
    Reviews that impersonate a developer or falsely advertise they are a developer will be removed and have their account banned.
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  7. No Alternate/Multiple Accounts
    You may not leave reviews on multiple accounts. If we detect you are leaving multiple reviews with different accounts, all associated accounts and IP addresses will be banned.
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  8. No Compensation for Positive Reviews
    Any form of compensation or incentives, whether direct or indirect, in exchange for favorable reviews is not allowed.
    Projects whose developers are found to engage in such practices will be flagged. The project’s description will include a notice stating “This project has previously offered compensation for positive reviews. Known incentivized reviews have been removed.” This serves as a transparent reminder to our community about the importance of unbiased reviews.
  9. No Raiding or Review Bombing
    Organizing or participating in campaigns to flood projects with negative reviews (raiding/review bombing) is strictly prohibited.
    Developers encouraging or compensating for negative reviews against other projects will face serious consequences, including the permanent removal and disabling of all reviews on their own project, as well as a notice stating this project participated in review bombing other projects.

By following these guidelines, you help us maintain a high-quality platform for reviewing and discussing Minecraft mods and modpacks.

How are reviews moderated? Can project developers remove reviews?

At MMC Reviews, our entire team is carefully handpicked. One aspect of our team consists of volunteer moderators that ensure all reviews follow our guidelines. Reviews or images that violate these terms are removed, and users who repeatedly break the rules may be banned.

Developers of projects that are not directly a part of the MMC Reviews team have absolutely no say in the decision to remove reviews. If your review was removed, it was removed because it directly violated one or more of our 9 guidelines above. Developers of projects may report reviews, just as anyone can, however the MMC Reviews team will ultimately decide if the review in question violates our guidelines. We remain neutral in most engagements and do not harbor any bias towards projects, developers, MC versions, mod loaders, etc.
If you feel we could do better, please navigate to the #reporting-and-community-issues channel on our Discord and open a ticket.

Why doesn’t MMC Reviews have all mods and modpacks from CurseForge/Modrinth/etc?

Integrating these APIs to work with MMC Review’s system is a complex and a complicated task. However, as a few users have pointed out, having all content from these providers would provide a lot of bloat, as a lot of modpacks aren’t intended for the public and are just for a few friends. This way, we can highlight mods and modpacks people actually want to review since they’re mostly user submitted. Overtime, this site will be a much more comprehensive resource as it continues to grow its catalogue.

Currently, we already use CurseForge’s API to automatically populate fields in the Request a Project form.

I’m a web developer, how can I contribute?

That’s really exciting to hear! MMC Reviews runs WordPress as its CMS, which uses MySQL for its database. I (CalaMariGold) frequently use PHP and JavaScript in custom scripts for MMCR. Much of this site is powered by WordPress plugins, many of which are open source. The main plugins we use for the bulk of the site are listed here:

If you’re interested in helping out with development, please reach out to me on our Discord!

I want to help but I’m not a developer. How can I join the team?

We’re so glad you’re interested in helping out! Currently we’re looking for volunteers for a few roles. You can apply to any of them through our application.
We are mainly looking for people who are already heavily involved in the modded Minecraft community who have a documented and trusted background.

How are mods and modpacks ranked?

When sorting mods and modpacks via “Highest Ranking”, the Bayesian ranking method is used, which takes into account both the average rating and the number of ratings an item has, providing a more reliable ranking in a 5-star rating system. It balances the influence of the average rating with a “prior” or assumed rating based on a certain number of pre-existing reviews. In contrast, an average rating is simply the sum of all ratings divided by the total number of ratings, which can be misleading for projects with few ratings.

I’d like to request a mod/modpack. How can I do so?

You can request a mod or modpack to the site by using our request form. It only takes a couple seconds!

Please do! In-fact, I created a couple banners for anyone to put on their CurseForge page or modpack menu to have it link to their respective MMC Reviews page. Feel free to use our logo to make your own as well! You can find more assets on our Discord.

You can also copy and paste this code here into your CurseForge or project page. Don’t forget to link to your MMC Reviews page!

Are there any planned features?

Absolutely! This site is in active development and will be continuously updated with new features.
These are some ideas that are planned or considered (not guaranteed!)

See more planned/wishlist features on our Discord.

  • Marking reviews as “Helpful” and sorting by most helpful.
  • Ability to report reviews directly on the site.
  • Possibly adding resource packs and shaders in the future if demand is there.
  • Featured mods and modpacks, or “Mod/Modpack of the Week/Month”.

I have a problem with MMC Reviews/I’d like to make a report. Who do I contact?

You can use the #reporting-and-community-issues channel on our Discord, directly message CalaMariGold, or send an email to [email protected].

Does this site have an RSS feed?

It sure does! In the future you will be able to subscribe to an RSS feed for specific mods/modpacks.

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