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Modern Warfare Cubed

An official fork of Vic’s Modern Warfare, developed by Paneedah and the Cubed Development Team.

16 reviews
Very good31%




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Logo of Modern Warfare Cubed mod for Minecraft

Modern Warfare Cubed

An official fork of Vic’s Modern Warfare, developed by Paneedah and the Cubed Development Team.

16 reviews
Very good31%





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Modern Warfare Cubed Reviews

Avatar for SUP3R10R
August 27, 2023
Performance and Stability

Great redone mod but

overall the new guns and new features are way better I really like that you can craft all the guns and armor now but I have one issue with the mod the new ammo press, cool block overall but I’m confused why 6 ingots and 6 gunpowder makes 6 rounds rather than 48 like in the old version of this mod. where one ingot and one gunpowder would yield 8 bullets which even that seemed slightly expensive in the old version but this is now insane price for ammo. Also why is copper not interchangeable anymore I have a different mod in my mod pack that has copper in it and that used to work to make ammo but now it doesn’t work. I’m just about ready to put a command block in my survival world that creates an infinite copper source because it will take a very long time to get even 1 stack of ammo if the ratio is 1:1. Or just switch back to the old vic MW mod.

MC Version(s):1.12
Mod/Modpack Versions:1.12.2
Avatar for Tyaplay
July 31, 2023
Performance and Stability

"almost half a year now"

I don’t know, i feel like everything in mod was done by vic, not Paneedah. Nothing big was changed. But this is still the greatest military mod in whole minecraft.

MC Version(s):1.12
Mod/Modpack Versions:0.1-Dev-14
Avatar for Plite
July 18, 2023
Performance and Stability

Good - lots of potential

I really like the art style and gameplay, and think that it has the potential to be the best gun mod for 1.12, and more if it is ported to newer versions. It has a few bugs with inbuilt gun shaders with no GPU and Linux, causing me to crash, or if I turn the shaders off, the scopes not working, however, I know that this problem is high on the devs to-do list. I also hope to see the SA80 added back in, better than before, but we shall see – as it is open source, in the future, if it isn’t added back in by the devs, someone could merge a version with fixed problems back in. I’ve been following this mod for a while – from back when it was VMW, and look forward to seeing – and hopefully playing – the 0.1 release.

MC Version(s):1.12
Mod/Modpack Versions:dev14
July 18, 2023
Performance and Stability

Its better then the one before.

Honestly its quite alot better with alot of bugs fixed and optimization, it when from barely playable on my low end pc to very playable, Alot of weapon and attachments its one of my favorite gun mod on minecraft!

MC Version(s):1.12
Mod/Modpack Versions:0.1 Dev14
Avatar for elinquisidor
July 17, 2023
Performance and Stability

Doubts about what will follow for the mod

It has been a great change improving the discontinued mod but here my question will return weapons that have disappeared and those of arcade mode? For the rest, they have been very big improvements regarding performance. It would also be good or I don’t know if it is possible or it was planned that small arms such as pistols can be used with both hands, that the color of the laser could be changed depending on the device without deactivating the shaders to make it red

MC Version(s):1.12
Mod/Modpack Versions:dev-14
Avatar for tbbtly
July 17, 2023
Performance and Stability

Honest review on MWC

Getting straight to it, all the weapons and attachments (Which have been Revamped from VMW) are beautifully designed.

The new reload animations are amazing but a few of the equip animations are off or the sounds don’t align properly. Adding on about the equip animations, they are inconsistent. Some guns rack their charging handles (M4A1), and others don’t (Mk16 Scar-L). Personally I would go with the quicker and more simpler animation of the Scar-L. Of course these will be fixed but I hope it’s consistent.

The sound. Audio in this mod is broken. If you shoot a weapon while looking up it is very loud, and if you look down it is very quite. Bullet ricochet noises are cartoony and distracting, only the ricochet noises, the other bullet impact noises are actually really well done (Especially to metal surfaces). Another problem with the audio is suppressers. I’m not sure if this has been fixed but the suppresser noise cut off distance is super early, and fighting anyone which is using one is like trying to fight a ghost. Bullet cracks will be a good fix to it so at least I know I’m being shot at (Not counting the AS Val and VSS cause they use subsonic). To end off sounds, grenades use the TNT sound effect which feels out of place, smokes and flashbangs make no noise (Shout out to flash bangs they are very well done otherwise). Gas grenades also don’t make noise but honestly it’s fun in an evil way.

Weapon modding has never been so easy. The modding menu is clean and not all muddy, but the left side “Weapon Stats” doesn’t change if different attachments are applied (The bipod is the best attachment). The fact that you can just reload a gun in creative without finding the mag is also a great quality of life feature (If we can config which mag goes in that would be great too). Every attachment (I think) is cartable in survival too.

A short note in the survival elements, a few of the crafts feel expensive, especially the ammo where smaller rounds use the same amount of gun powder as larger rounds (Suggestion: Shotgun rounds use iron nuggets to craft). The flashbang craft doesn’t make sense but the rest of the grenade crafts are well balanced (I’m guessing they will be adding the gas grenade craft later). The menu for crafting these is also very clean like the modding menu. The functioning armor and backpacks are amazing, and they also have their own crafts in survival is great too.

The mod mobs that spawn naturally in the world too are also very cool. Hearing gun shots in the distance in a single player world sends chills down my spine (In a good way). Along with the fact that they have their own little factions. However they are literally skeletons because if they shoot each other by accident they start shooting each other, and this is oddly common so the end up killing each other sometimes (One of my pictures shows this).

MWC on its own, has pretty good performance, but when you start adding other mods to it your PC will really start taking a beating. Even though 1.12 is the most optimized version of Minecraft. Shaders are not directly compatible but you can turn off some of the mods shader to use your own, which makes the scopes and red dots look terrible.

They brought back proning, hurray! It reduces your FOV to default which is annoying but it’s fine. If the mods mobs can do this it would become very immersive and scary. Something else MWC should bring back is the knife, it was just a cool thing from older versions of VMW.

The cool little particles from bullet impacts are cool, unfortunately no bullet holes. Bullet casings are very cool as they bounce all over the place, don’t cause much performance issues (Vic told me himself how bullet casing would cause performance issues in the past) and they don’t despawn immediately so that’s great. Also the cars which Vic made are still in the mod and its fun to goof around with (You can only get them in creative). Also, one of the pictures I posted with this is about how bad vision is through the glass tint in optics in dark environments, it’d be cool if that was fix.

MWC is the best gun mod for Minecraft, even in its development stages it is showing great potential and consistent updates, carrying on the legacy of VMW which I grew up playing. I love these mods and this is the best way which I can really help the mod succeed as I don’t really know much about modding, but I always end up finding the weirdest bugs. I know I am probably missing some stuff in this review, and how in some ways it isn’t a review. I hope this review gets read by the devs and they can use it to improve the mod even further. Also here are some suggestions lol: Land Mines, Thermals, Better water swimming compatibilities, binoculars, nvgs + helmets, pls remove jump prone sprinting which is some how a thing)

Discord: tbbtly (Original: TBBTLY#8813)

Thanks for reading if you did

Hope I didn’t make a spelling mistake that will end my career

or something idk

MC Version(s):1.12
Mod/Modpack Versions:Version 0.1-Dev-14 (Latest atm)

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