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Divine Journey 2

A Minecraft 1.12.2 Expert modpack that is spiritual successor to the 1.7.10 Divine Journey modpack. It features a unique progression line and a lot more mods to go through than is predecessor.

10 reviews
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Divine Journey 2

A Minecraft 1.12.2 Expert modpack that is spiritual successor to the 1.7.10 Divine Journey modpack. It features a unique progression line and a lot more mods to go through than is predecessor.

10 reviews
Very good10%




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Divine Journey 2 Reviews

Avatar for AppleFillet
May 14, 2024
Performance and Stability

Extremely expensive recipes and lengthy quests, but super well designed

This is my top pick for best expert pack that’s non Greg.

Unique linear progression that’s fun, cohesive, and well designed. Heavy on exploring different biomes and dimensions in the early game, as well as slowly progressing through early tech. This is a pack you can easily spend 1000+ hours on, and It would be one of my first picks to do so, if I wasn’t a serial pack abandoner.

Total Playtime:Extensive (up to 500 hours)
MC Version(s):1.12
Mod/Modpack Versions:4 playthroughs in different versions between 50-100 hours each
Avatar for SquirtlePlays
March 3, 2024
Performance and Stability

The best general expert pack

This is the only Minecraft modpack I’ve ever really finished. It took me 700 hours, but it was one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences I’ve ever had. The community of the pack is great (definitely join the discord if you plan on playing the pack) It so masterfully combines tech, with magic and exploration. All while keeping a detailed quest book with a good sense of humor. Highly recommend to anyone who wants a challenge and a second job.

Total Playtime:Immense (up to 1000 hours)
MC Version(s):1.12
Mod/Modpack Versions:Latest
Avatar for KleinGrrmpf
January 22, 2024
Performance and Stability

The ultimate Expert Style Modpack for 1.12.2

This IS the ultimate Expert Pack.

Split into multiple parts, some exploration in the beginning, then basic tech, advanced tech, magic, and then basically endgame, this pack slowly builds up. The pack goes throught all the well-known (and some less well-known) mods and uses pretty much all mechanics! But don’t worry, if you are not a pro at every single mod. The questbook guides you through all of them with all the details needed! So in theory, even someone completely new to modded could complete this pack (even though some experience with an easier expert pack is recommended imo).

But yes, this is a hard pack. It is encouraged to automated everything! Well, not everything, but a lot! Mods and items build upon other mods and items and are intertwined so intensely, that it feels very complex (you might have seen the recipe tree in the big panel on the modpack page). But it is all made to feel organic with the 600+ custom items that are added. Some are ported items from past versions of mods, some complete a set where one item was missing, some combine features of different mods and some are just for gating.

Speaking of gating, the progression feels good! You don’t get too op in the first few chapters of the questbook, but you are never underpowered against any mobs or need to grind anything for multiple hours. If you can get a new item manually, the ability to automate said item comes either pretty quickly afterwards or you are not going to need more than twenty of it.

Lastly, I need to mention the community on the Divine Journey Discord Server. There are people there who have played through the pack multiple times that are still on that server and help out other people. There is a forum filled with tips, tricks, setups, and explanations, if you ever get stuck on one.

And as of writing this, the pack is still tweaked and balanced every now and then, so any balance issue that comes up can be resolved.

That was the good part, now to the less good part. With all the automation you will want to do, it is quite resource intense. This can be mitigated if you spread out your base horizontally instead of vertically, but that isn’t the most aesthetic way for everyone. So beware of that. Other than that, there is nothing bad I can say.

In conclusion: Better expert pack than FTB Infinity Evolved Expert, organic progression, complex and challenging recipes and recipe trees, beautiful custom items to tie mods together. If you like expert style packs, you’re going to love this one!

Total Playtime:Very, very long (1000+ hours)
MC Version(s):1.12
Mod/Modpack Versions:Latest
Avatar for regi0123
January 16, 2024
Performance and Stability

A unique goal centered expert pack.

Brilliant quest design with clear and enticing endgame goals (the key and the mystery quests). Unfortunately on older quest mod so a little buggy/unintuitive. Extensive use of items, blocks, and entities unique to this modpack. Same old 1.12.2 mods but with a fresh feeling of balance and superior design.

However must be said this pack has possibly the worst overworld of any pack Ive ever played somehow worse than just vanilla. The rock types and surface gen is just horrendous.

Strictly in my own opinion, this pack has a distinct lack of tick acceleration. With no time in a bottle, tickrate commands, or even midgame access to expensive RF/Magic based tick acceleration.

QOL items like building gadgets and wands are for some reason gated well into the midgame. This combined with my above gripe makes the earlygame very sluggish by design.

You will without a doubt want to check into the packs discord so you can see all the tips, tricks, and get help for when you eventually get stuck or youre near to bricking your world in lag.

Total Playtime:Immense (500+ hours)
MC Version(s):1.12
Mod/Modpack Versions:Latest
Avatar for Megarrrforce
January 16, 2024
Performance and Stability

Well made expert pack

If you like expert packs this is one of the best ones but beware there is a good amount of exploration in the early game so if that is not your thing you might want to avoid this pack.

MC Version(s):1.12
Mod/Modpack Versions:2.20.1
Avatar for crystaltine
December 10, 2023
Performance and Stability

Favorite modpack to this day!

Uniquely from other modpacks, this one felt like a true journey (divine “journey” lol) to me. The progression line is perfectly constructed, and even the tiny details, like Atricos writing little messages in every quest, made me feel closer to the core of the pack than just the gameplay. Played with a friend and had so much fun exploring dimensions (especially DivineRPG which is set up in an awesome way), building, and quivering with excited disbelief that we would need thousands of something we just spent hours obtaining. This is a great pack for those looking for an adventure and playing through what feels like one’s own fantastical story.

TLDR – There better be a Divine Journey 3 or else i will

MC Version(s):1.12
Mod/Modpack Versions:2.18

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